Articles by RYS Team

Bag Packing at Asda Forfar Saturday 4th May

Our Rising Youngstars guys and dolls will be ‘rocking the boat’ at Forfar Asda on Saturday 4th May from 10am – 2pm. Give us a wave, come say hello and most importantly support our fundraising efforts by allowing us to help pack your shopping.

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‘One Night Only’ Concert – Rotary Club of Kirriemuir

Some of our seniors were delighted to be asked along by the Rotary Club of Kirriemuir to perform in their ‘One Night Only’ concert showcasing some of the solos from Les Misérables. It was an incredible evening showcasing lots of local talent including The Scottish Police Community Choir, Delma Wilson Dancers, Dylan McKay, Jim Semple …

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AGM November 2023

We (The Rising Youngstars committee) are having our AGM on 8th November at The Royal Hotel  in Forfar at 7pm. Rising Youngstars is run by a committee of volunteers and without the help and support of the committee we wouldn’t be able to support our children and young people in such fantastic productions. If you …

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Bingo Tea 2019

We had a great bingo tea night at the Royal British Legion in Forfar back in 2017 and we’re very pleased to announce that we have organised another one for Tuesday 23rd April 2019. It will be at the Legion again so please come along for a fun night with plenty of prizes to be …

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Tesco Bags of Help at Forfar

We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have been successful in our application to be included in the Tesco “Bags of Help” scheme. If you don’t know what it is, when you shop at Tesco you are sometimes given a token that you can put into one of three containers by the door to …

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Special Thanks to Currie & Co. accountants

We would like to extend our thanks again to Currie & Co accountants in Kirriemuir for allowing us to use their community window to set up a fantastic display for our upcoming show The King & I. They have been very generous to us in the past and continue to be so. It’s looking very …

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